Today Kjerstin rested a lot, which is good. They want us to have her rest quite a bit right now. She did stare at the TV some today. She tried to smile at me. The corners of her mouth twitched and you could tell she was trying to smile. Tonight she reached up and grabbed the syringe when they were giving her tylenol. Mom was very excited. The doctors say that Kjertin's progress, while it may seem minimal, is actually way ahead of where they expected her to be.
Please continue to pray as we transport Kjerstin to Nebraska and start her rehabilitation.
And to all of those who like to scrapbook, I am going to try to coordinate a scrapbooking get together and scrapbook Kjerstin's pictures. Mom doesn't scrapbook, so she just has tons of pictures. However, she said they are organized in a rubbermaid container. Kjerstin's 3rd grade teacher made two pages today and brought them up. Mom & I can journal, but if we could get some pictures on pages from diferent events throughout her life, the doctors said it would help tremendously. They said you never know what will spark her memory. Plus, the more they know about her, the more it helps them. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas of places and people who would like to participate. We will have to do this soon as they will need them in the next 2-3 weeks.
If there is a computer gooroo out there that knows how to print off her blog pages and facebook pages, could you please let me know. We want to print them off and put them in her scrapbook for her to read when she gets better.
Mom was sharing today with someone at the hospital how wonderful everyone has been and how blessed we have been with everyone's support. She started to cry when she was sharing this. I just wanted to share this with all of you. There is no way we could ever thank you enough and I can't wait until we get to tell Kjerstin about it.
I had a request to list the fundraising events on this site. They are:
Saturday July 17 at High Park in Derby - Neighborhood Riot Concert 6pm -10 pm. $1
Caribbean Sun Tanning - Kjerstin Webb's Fundraiser..
Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 11:00am Parking Lot in front of WSU in Derby, KS.
There will be food,entertainment, and raffling of some cool stuff!! Tickets are only $5 per ticket for some great stuff.
Derby Jewelry - Cross Necklaces - $30 each $4 of each necklace goes to her fund
Silicone bracelets & t-Shirts will be available to order/purchase at the fundraising events and the bracelets are available to order from Amy Neff for $5 each.
More details at
If you have any questions, please send me a message.
God Bless !
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