Sunday, July 18, 2010

So Sorry about the missing udates for 2 days. We were in Nebraska trying to get things situated and we were all sharing a hotel room. We drove back in time to go to the fundraiser and didn't make it home until after the fundraiser. We are all exhausted.

Kjerstin is progressing slowly. Mom says that every day is a new degree of better. The therapists say this is the hardest time for friends and family because the recovery process is so slow. The last two days Kjerstin has got to go outside in her wheelchair. She has a special wheelchair she sits in so that she can take a shower. She really likes that! She is making noises and trying to talk still, but no words. She has a very intense therapy schedule. Each day Mom is given a printed schedule of all the therapy. It's usually something every hour or so. Kjerstin is watching TV quite a bit. We did find out that she has double vision in one eye. They will do therapy to get that fixed. The doctor said today that they plan to take out the trach in a week. That is very exciting! Kjerstin is still coughing up phlegm, but the good news is that she is doing it on her own through the trach and Mom didn't have to suction out her lungs!! Small things, but MAJOR improvements in Kjerstin's world.

Mom & Kjerstin will be online to visit with everyone at 11:15 am at the Fundraiser on Saturday. Please come to the fundraiser and visit with them and help support Kjerstin's rehabilitation. It is from 11am-2pm in the south part of the parking lot of Caribbean Sun Tanning Salon in Derby.

Mom has an email account now. It is Mom has a laptop and internet connection in Kjerstin's room. Mom says Thank you Thank You Thank you to everyone. Thank you to Donna for the laptop. Mom is so excited that she can keep in touch and we can all Skype. She says thank you for the cards and donations and prayers. She also wanted me to tell Stacy thank you for the very sweet, touching letter. She read it to all of us. She tells all the doctors, nurses, and therapists, how wonderful everyone "back home" is. She is trying to do thank yous but says please forgive her for being behind, as it's hard to do with Kjerstin's schedule and she hasn't been sleeping through the night, so Mom has to nap, bathe, eat or get out of the hospital a little during the day when Kjerstin naps.

Dad says thank you to all of the guys at work that donated their time to him.

Stephanie and Jerimiah said Thank you to all their friends and their family, especially Becky, Audra & Ali for cleaning for them! Poor Steph was quite a trooper. Not only did she have Brynlee, the baby, with her all week at the hospital, but Saturday morning she woke up with her eye swollen shut. Since we were out of town, she is having to wait until Monday to go to the doctor, but she also has to work. So, say an extra prayer for her.

Shirts should be in at the end of the week and bracelets are in. Amy had to go on vacation, so please contact me if you need a bracelet at or 316-209-8972.

Mom is sleeping on a vinyl couch in Kjerstin's room and Dad is at a hotel, since there are no rooms open at the facility. They are on the waiting list though. We are having to move them around hotels because the Special Olympics is in Lincoln this week. We moved them to a different hotel on Saturday before we left and we will move them to another one again this Friday, but at least they have a bed.

Please continue to pray. Mom says this every time I talk to her.

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